Class Size Relief is Welcome, But Tough Choices Still Loom

The class size reduction compromise passed by the General Assembly this week is a mixed bag for local school districts. Among the positive outcomes are a multi-year approach to reducing class sizes, adding funding for program enhancement teachers, and eliminating the waiting list for pre-kindergarten classes.

Wallace Foundation Grant Helps WCPSS Cultivate New School Leader Development Continuum

Imagine and organization with more than 20,000 employees and 183 locations of varying size. Each of those locations requires a general manager, a small team of assistant managers, and leaders among the rank-and-file. In addition, each location is rated annually based upon the performance of the people it serves.   Business-minded folks would immediately think …

Wallace Foundation Grant Helps WCPSS Cultivate New School Leader Development Continuum Read More »

Meet the Investors: Lifetouch

Being an investor in WakeEd Partnership is one of the best ways I can personally and professionally give back to support a school system I value and a community that I am so proud to call home.

WCPSS Considers Its Class Size Reduction Options

As the question about class size requirements in grades K-3 lingers, the Wake County Public School System is preparing to add about 460 new elementary classroom teaching positions. How the school system reaches that number is possible through several different scenarios, according to Superintendent James Merrill. He presented multiple options to restructure the school system …

WCPSS Considers Its Class Size Reduction Options Read More »

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