
STEM education or educated companies? We need both.

When it comes to careers in STEM, we need more women involved. According to the World Economic Forum, in science alone, less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women and this under-representation occurs in every region in the world.

Investor Spotlight: BASF

For innovation to happen, we need people who understand our customers’ needs and challenges, as well as the ability to use creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and STEM training to come up with solutions for our current and future needs.

Attrition Report Ignores Serious ‘Brain Drain’ Among K-12 Teachers

According to a report about teacher attrition prepared for the State Board of Education this week, the fact only 7.5 percent of teachers have left the public schools to work in another industry or state is seen as an indicator of rising job satisfaction among teachers. It’s reasonable to draw that conclusion, but this is not a significant victory.

WakeEd Partnership Announces Leadership Change

[et_pb_section fb_built=\”1\” _builder_version=\”3.22\”][et_pb_row _builder_version=\”3.25\” background_size=\”initial\” background_position=\”top_left\” background_repeat=\”repeat\”][et_pb_column type=\”4_4\” _builder_version=\”3.25\” custom_padding=\”|||\” custom_padding__hover=\”|||\”][et_pb_text _builder_version=\”4.0.6\” text_line_height=\”1.2em\” background_size=\”initial\” background_position=\”top_left\” background_repeat=\”repeat\” hover_enabled=\”0\”] Wake County Education Nonprofit Names Interim President, Begins Search for Leader in 2020 RALEIGH, N.C. — WakeEd Partnership (WakeEd), a business-backed nonprofit organization committed to supporting teachers and students in the Wake County Public School System (WCPSS), has …

WakeEd Partnership Announces Leadership Change Read More »

Boosting Hourly Pay is One Way to Ease School Bus Driver Shortage

For most people, the yellow school bus has a straightforward purpose: to get kids to and from school safely and in a timely manner each day. The concept is so simple it borders on mundane, but ask any school transportation official, bus driver, or school principal and it will be clear that the yellow school bus is perhaps the most crucial component of the school day for many kids.

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